
Code IRD 2R22430
Vague vague A
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Structure Mère MIVEGEC
Département Secondaire DEPARTEMENT SAS

Equipes / Axes de recherche ou de projet

Équipes Responsable(s) Description
DS1 - PEEC X X The scientific department PEEC, animated by K McCoy (DR2, CNRS) and B Roche (DR2, IRD), is structured into three research teams (HEAT, CREEC and EVCO) with major interests in exploring the ecological and evolutionary processes that shape communities at several levels, including hosts (humans and animals), pathogens and cellular (with a focus on cancerous cells) in diverse natural an anthropized ecosystems.
DS2 – EPATH X X The scientific department EPATH, animated by Y Sterkers (MCUPH, UM) and S Godreuil (PUPH, UM) is structured into two research teams (BioGEPPE et GeneSys) with strong interactions with the CHU, and will focus his research on pathogens of major medical importance (e.g., bacterias and parasites from the Trypanosomatidae), their emergence, their transmission, including reservoirs and vectors (sandflies), the fundamental mechanisms of their biology, the ecology and evolution of AntiMicrobial Resistance and the development of new diagnostics and control tools for research and public health.
DS3 – ESV X X The scientific department (ESV), animated by I Morlais (DR2, IRD) and C Paupy (DR2, IRD) is structured into three research teams (DEEVA, TRIAD and VCG) regrouping most of the research expertise of MIVEGEC on insect disease vectors (e.g., mosquitoes, sandflies, triatomines) and the pathogens they transmit (viruses and parasites). Research includes fundamental studies on vectors evolutionary biology and ecology (adaptation, speciation, resistance), their interactions with hosts and pathogens, and the development and evaluation, through interventional research projects, of innovative and integrative vector control strategies.
DS4 – PEV X X The scientific department PEV, animated by S Hurtrez-Boussès (PR2, UM) and IG Bravo (DR2, CNRS), structured into three research teams applies a multi-scale strategy to understand host-parasite-environment interactions, through space and time. The research of the three teams spans the impact of anthropogenic, pathogen-driven and environmental perturbations on the ecology and evolution of host-parasite dynamics: applying omics approaches to explore the fundamental biochemical, cellular and genetic mechanisms that underlie the evolution and diversity of pathogen lifestyles (team 1); applying field work and statistical approaches to understand the high-level integration of population ecology of infectious diseases (team 2); and applying wet lab, mathematical modelling and computational analyses to study integration level interactions coupling and the mutual influence of heterogeneity patterns and infection dynamics (team 3).
DS5 – EDIFICE X X The scientific department EDIFICE, animated by D Missé (DR2, IRD) and E Leroy (DREX, IRD) is structured into three research teams (Zoonoses Virales et MTN, Interhuman Arbovirus Transmission et Contrôle, Échappement et Pathologies Associées) exploring the mechanisms of virus endemization in human populations, from the emergence of viral zoonoses in tropical rainforests of central Africa and Asia, to the assessment of their impact on human populations including as chronic infections, through the unraveling of major inter-human transmission routes, exploring virus escape to control strategies and its consequences for virus evolution and human health.
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