Partnership collaboration with the South

LMI : Ecosystem, biological diversity, habitat modifications, and risk of emerging pathogens and diseases in Mexico (ELDORADO)

Département société et santé (DEPARTEMENT SAS)
Département sociétés et mondialisation (DEPARTEMENT SOC)

Country : Guatemala, Mexique, Haïti

Region : Amérique Latine et Caraïbes

Year of creation : 2020

End of IRD support : 2024

Scientific objectives and research project

To this extent, Mexico has an extraordinarily important role to play. This emerging economy clearly suffers from ecosystem alteration (especially agriculture and deforestation), large economic and social inequalities, as well as and pathogen spreading (as the epicenter of the 2009 H1N1 flu pandemics, the recent circulation of Zika virus and recurrent outbreaks of dengue). Nevertheless, this country has the capacity and willingness to implement scientifically-based solutions on the field thanks to much respected institutions such as the federal university (UNAM) and the public health agency (INSP). Moreover, his example can disseminate throughout the whole region, and especially to the vulnerable populations as well as to the countries with the highest poverty rates (such as Guatemala and Haiti). The proposed international laboratory (LMI) ELDORADO, which will be based in Mexico City and working in the Yucatan peninsula, aims consolidating existing multidisciplinary research projects of an international group of scientists proposing a novel and integrated research strategy to figure out this complex system through four main objectives: 1 - improving our knowledge on the relationship between ecosystem alteration, human behavior and risk of emerging zoonotic infections, 2 - providing scientifically-based and integrative strategies for public health and environmental authorities combining human health, biodiversity conservation and economic growth through a format of sustainable development toolkit, 3 - setting up a strong regional capacity building strategy to make Mexico a regional and world leader on these issues through the collaboration with the IRD and (iv) initiating the creation of a new center on the UNAM campus in Merida focusing on fundamental and translational research of sustainable sciences.

IRD units involved

2R22400 : MIVEGEC

Member Institutions

WCS Etats-Unis : Wildlife Conservation Society

Kalaankab : Asociacion mexicana de medicina de la conservacion Kalaan-Kab

INSP : Instituto nacional de salud publica

INAH : Instituto nacional de antropología e historia

EHA : EcoHealth Alliance

INUQUA : Institut universitaire de Quisqueya-Amérique

UNAM : Universidad nacional autonoma de Mexico

Bearer LMI

M. x M. x M. x

Research topics

The LMI project will address key gaps and needs expressed by biodiversity, ecosystem modifications and sustainable development policy makers, and will provide tangible approaches to promote healthy populations and ecosystems as well as social wealth. More specifically, it will aim to determine how strategies of sustainable agriculture can mitigate the risk of viral outbreaks in human populations while doing biodiversity conservation without imposing an economic burden on social wealth.

Targeted Sustainable Development Goal(s)






Official name Type of partnership Country
Asociacion mexicana de medicina de la conservacion Kalaan-Kab Institution associée Sud Mexique
EcoHealth Alliance Institution associée Nord États-Unis d'Amérique
Institut universitaire de Quisqueya-Amérique Institution associée Sud Haïti
Instituto nacional de antropología e historia Institution membre Sud Mexique
Instituto nacional de salud publica Institution associée Sud Mexique
Universidad nacional autonoma de Mexico Institution(s) porteur(s) Sud Mexique
Wildlife Conservation Society Institution associée Sud États-Unis d'Amérique
Centre national de la recherche scientifique - France Partenaire lié France
Institut de recherche pour le développement Partenaire lié France
Institut de recherche pour le développement Partenaire lié France
Sorbonne université Partenaire lié France
Université Cadi Ayyad Partenaire lié Maroc
Université de Montpellier Partenaire lié France
IRD code Acronym Implication
2R22400 MIVEGEC Porteuses principales