Partnership collaboration with the South

LMI : Social activities, gender, markets and mobilities from below (SAGEMM)

Département sociétés et mondialisation (DEPARTEMENT SOC)

Country : Chili, Colombie, Bolivie, Brésil, Argentine

Region : Amérique Latine et Caraïbes

Year of creation : 2016

End of IRD support : 2018

Scientific objectives and research project

The IJL SAGEMM deals with the transformations of the work-family-welfare nexus in the South, in particular in Latin America, in focusing on similarities, relations, transnational influences, interdependencies but as well on particularities of the different countries of the region. It aims the study of the reconfigurations of the nature of conflicts and boundaries between society and the state . In a global context, the actual paradoxal but also homogenic dynamics in between the North and the South nourrish the explication of the observed phenomenae. The three thematic axis are: 1 - Activities deals with the relations between labor conditions and employment norms, emerging figures of work and the place of labor in different welfare systems 2 - Social policies and markets deals with the transformation of the relations between the state and the civil society mediated by different kinds of markets and moral economies 3 - Reconfiguration of politics comes to terms with emerging forms of mobilization and their eventual institutionalization, such as social and solidary economy in different Latin American countries (Argentina, Bolivia and Brazil), forms of contestation and politics´ territories and arenas, dialoguing with activities and markets. The IJL SAGEMM innovates through its integrated, multidimensional and comparative approch of the study of social activities, gender, markets and mobilities; its innovative research and teaching methods, such as "crossed" field research, leaded by an international (North/South) pair of researchers within three thematic strangs; the systematic confrontation of theoretical and empirical research, produced by a multi-level, comparative contextualized research design, privileging the embeddedness of data - tools developed along the whole proposition. This project aims to create an innovative institutional instrument , capable to respond to public calls for research funding, in order to become economically and institutionnaly autonomous; to create an innovative platform of mutualization of knowledge in its theoretical and empirical dimensions ; consequently, the final objective of this project is the creation of a center of excellence for Social Sciences research and teaching. Politiques sociales.

IRD units involved

3R20100 : DEVSOC

Member Institutions

UFMG : Universidade federale de Minas Gerais

UNAB : Universidad Andrés Bello 

UNAL : Universidad nacional de Colombia

UMSA : Universidad Mayor de San Andrès

UNIANDES : Universidad de los Andes

UFSCar : Universidade federal de São Carlos

USP : Universidade de São Paulo

Bearer LMI

Mme. x Mme. x

Scientific fields

Sciences de la Terre et de l'univers, espace

Research topics

SAGEMM investigated the conjunction of several transformations within the gendered dimension of the work-family-welfare nexus. The aim of the program is to question the dynamics of this nexus in relation with the challenges of economic globalization as well as of those related to the transformation of the life course and of family structures.

Targeted Sustainable Development Goal(s)




Official name Type of partnership Country
Universidad Andrés Bello  Institution membre Sud Chili
Universidad Mayor de San Andrès Institution membre Sud Bolivie
Universidad de los Andes Institution membre Sud Colombie
Universidad nacional de Colombia Institution membre Sud Colombie
Universidade de São Paulo Institution(s) porteur(s) Sud Brésil
Universidade federal de São Carlos Institution membre Sud Brésil
Universidade federale de Minas Gerais Institution membre Sud Brésil
Institut de recherche pour le développement Partenaire lié France
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne Partenaire lié France
IRD code Acronym Implication
3R20100 DEVSOC Porteuses principales